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地点:成人自拍视频-国产自拍成人 ,北京,100084


2007.9-2012.7 成人自拍视频-国产自拍成人 ,环境科学与工程专业,博士

2003.9-2007.7 中国海洋大学环境科学与工程成人自拍视频 ,环境工程专业,本科


2021.8-今 成人自拍视频-国产自拍成人 ,特别研究员,长聘副教授,博士生导师

2016.12-2021.7 成人自拍视频-国产自拍成人 ,副教授,博士生导师

2015.7-2016.12 成人自拍视频-国产自拍成人 ,助理教授,博士生导师

2014.4-2015.7 成人自拍视频-国产自拍成人 ,讲师

2012.8-2014.4 美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学土木与环境工程成人自拍视频 ,博士后

2008.8-2009.8 美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学土木与环境工程成人自拍视频 ,访问学者


  1. 国际水协(International Water Association, IWA)中国青年委员会主席

  2. 中国煤炭加工协会煤化工环保领域技术专家

  3. Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering 期刊青年编委

  4. Environmental Science & TechnologyWater Research 等SCI期刊审稿人。






(课题组长期招收本科生、研究生、博士后,请发简历至[email protected]


  1. 京津冀生态环境多介质治理关键技术评估与图谱构建研究,京津冀环境综合治理国家科技重大专项,课题负责人,2024-2027

  2. 双载体表界面结构调控及其催化臭氧深度净化废水多尺度作用机制,国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目负责人,2025-2028

  3. 基于膜生物电化学系统的污水能量梯级利用与水深度净化,国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目负责人,2018-2021

  4. 界面调控催化氧化耦合新型生物膜反应技术研发和示范,国家重点研发计划项目子课题,子课题负责人,2016-2019

  5. 生物电化学系统新型活性炭空气阴极开发与应用研究,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,项目负责人,2015-2017


  1. 中国环境科学学会青年科学家奖,2024

  2. FESE期刊优秀青年编委,2024

  3. 中国工程院“中国工程前沿杰出青年学者”,2023

  4. 清华大学先进工作者,2021

  5. 清华大学青年教师教学比赛工科组一等奖,2020

  6. 教育部自然科学奖一等奖(排名第3),2019

  7. 国家自然科学基金委员会环境工程青年论坛最佳报告奖,2017

  8. 清华大学优秀班(级)主任一等奖,2017

  9. Water Research、Journal of Power Sources杰出审稿人奖,2017

  10. 北京市优秀博士论文,2013

  11. 清华大学优秀辅导员标兵,2011

  12. 清华大学特等奖学金,2011



  1. Liang, Z.; Xu, C.; Zhou, X.; Huang, X.; Zhang, X. Deciphering the virucidal potential of hydroxyl radical during ozonation: Implications for waterborne virus inactivation. Water Research 2025, 272, 122982.

  2. Ren, T.; Lu, K.; Yin, M; Yan, N; Sai, S; Huang, X.; Zhang, X. Single-atom cobalt enables efficient catalytic ozonation for advanced wastewater treatment: Mechanism and application. Chemical Engineering Journal 2024, 500, 156805.

  3. Yin, M.; Fu, B.; Xu, T.; Cao, X.; Huang, X.; Zhang, X. Spatially-assembled binary carbon anode synergizing directional electron transfer and enriched microbe accommodation for wastewater treatment and energy conversion: From simulation to experiments. Water Research 2024, 252, 121104.

  4. Yan, N.; Ren, T.; Lu, K.; Gao, Y.; Sun, M.; Huang, X.; Zhang, X. Carbon-based electrocatalytic dual-membrane system bolsters singlet oxygen production for ultrafast water decontamination. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2024, 463, 132787.

  5. Wei, K.; Wang, L.; Gu, L.; Liu, Q.; Li, W.; Zhou, Z.; Han, W.; Ouyang, C.; Zhang, R.; Huang, X.; Zhang, X. 2D-Like Catalyst with a Micro-nanolinked Functional Surface for Water Purification. Environmental Science & Technology 2024, 58 (6), 3007-3018.

  6. Liang, Z. Lu, K.; Xu, C.; Huang, X.; Zhang, X. Systematic investigation and modeling prediction of virus inactivation by ozone in wastewater: Decoupling the matrix effects. Water Research 2024, 257, 121685.

  7. Zhou, Z.; Yan, N.; Yin, M.; Ren, T.; Chen, S.; Lu, K.; Cao, X.; Huang, X.; Zhang, X. Catalytic ozonation in advanced treatment of kitchen wastewater: multi-scale simulation and pilot-scale study. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2023, 17 (12), 146.

  8. Yin, M.; Ren, T.; Xu, T.; Fu, B.; Cao, X.; Huang, X.; Zhang, X. Boosting wastewater bioelectricity recovery via solvent mediation and zinc fencing: Dual regulation for catalyst spatial structure and active sites. Chemical Engineering Journal 2023, 453, 139276.

  9. Yin, M.; Fu, B.; Ren, T.; Wang, M.; Cao, X.; Huang, X.; Zhang, X. Biomimetic anode with atomically dispersed iron sites to enhance biotic-abiotic interfacial interaction towards efficient wastewater energy recovery in bioelectrochemical systems. Chemical Engineering Journal 2023, 476, 146403.

  10. Xu, T.; Gao, Y.; Yan, N.; Fu, B.; Yin, M.; Huang, X.; Wang, C.; Zhang, X. An iron-doped carbon fiber membrane as the microbe-electrode interaction accelerator for wastewater energy conversion. Resources Conservation and Recycling 2023, 190, 106781.

  11. Wang, M.; Ren, T.; Yin, M.; Lu, K.; Xu, H.; Huang, X.; Zhang, X. Enhanced Anaerobic Wastewater Treatment by a Binary Electroactive Material: Pseudocapacitance/Conductance-Mediated Microbial Interspecies Electron Transfer. Environmental Science & Technology 2023, 57 (32), 12072-12082. (Front Cover)

  12. Ren, T.; Yin, M.; Chen, S.; Ouyang, C.; Huang, X.; Zhang, X. Single-Atom Fe-N4 Sites for Catalytic Ozonation to Selectively Induce a Nonradical Pathway toward Wastewater Purification. Environmental Science & Technology 2023, 57 (9), 3623-3633. (Front Cover)

  13. Ren, T.; Ouyang, C.; Zhou, Z.; Chen, S.; Yin, M.; Huang, X.; Zhang, X. Mn-doped carbon-Al2SiO5 fibers enable catalytic ozonation for wastewater treatment: Interface modulation and mass transfer enhancement. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2023, 460, 132307.

  14. Lu, K.; Ren, T.; Yan, N.; Huang, X.; Zhang, X. Revisit the Role of Salinity in Heterogeneous Catalytic Ozonation: The Trade-Off between Reaction Inhibition and Mass Transfer Enhancement. Environmental Science & Technology 2023, 57 (47), 18888-18897.

  15. Chen, S.; Ren, T.; Zhou, Z.; Lu, K.; Huang, X.; Zhang, X. Insights into Mn loaded carbon-silica-membrane based catalytic ozonation process for efficient wastewater treatment: Performance and mechanism. Chemical Engineering Journal 2023, 475, 145874.

  16. Chen, S.; Ren, T.; Zhang, X.; Zhou, Z.; Huang, X.; Zhang, X. Efficient catalytic ozonation via Mn-loaded C-SiO2 Framework for advanced wastewater treatment: Reactive oxygen species evolution and catalytic mechanism. Science of the Total Environment 2023, 858, 159447.

  17. Chen, S.; Ren, T.; Lu, K.; Ouyang, C.; Huang, X.; Zhang, X. MnNx-Carbon-Silica-Framework for highly efficient heterogeneous catalytic ozonation of electron-rich organics through nonradical pathway. Chemical Engineering Journal 2023, 466, 143110.

  18. Ren, T.; Zhang, X.; Chen, S.; Huang, X.; Zhang, X. Hydrogen peroxide and peroxymonosulfate intensifying Fe-doped NiC-Al2O3-framework-based catalytic ozonation for advanced treatment of landfill leachate: Performance and mechanisms. Science of the Total Environment 2022, 843, 156904.

  19. Yin, M.; Hsin, Y.; Guo, X.; Zhang, R.; Huang, X.; Zhang, X. Facile and low-cost ceramic fiber-based carbon-carbon composite for solar evaporation. Science of the Total Environment 2021, 759, 143546.

  20. Xu, T.; Song, J.; Lin, W.; Fu, B.; Guo, X.; Huang, X.; Wu, H.; Zhang, X. A freestanding carbon submicro fiber sponge as high-efficient bioelectrochemical anode for wastewater energy recovery and treatment. Applied Energy 2021, 281, 115913.

  21. Ouyang, C.; Wei, K.; Huang, X.; El-Din, M.; Zhang, X. Bifunctional Fe for Induced Graphitization and Catalytic Ozonation Based on a Fe/N-Doped Carbon-Al2O3 Framework: Theoretical Calculations Guided Catalyst Design and Optimization. Environmental Science & Technology 2021, 55 (16), 11236-11244. (Front Cover)

  22. Chen, S.; Wei, K.; Wang, Y.; Wang, J.; Huang, H.; Huang, X.; Logan, B.; Zhang, X. Enhanced recalcitrant pollutant degradation using hydroxyl radicals generated using ozone and bioelectricity-driven cathodic hydrogen peroxide production: Bio-E-Peroxone process. Science of the Total Environment 2021, 776, 144819.

  23. Zhang, X.; Wang, Q.; Tang, C.; Wang, H.; Liang, P.; Huang, X.; Zhang, Q. High-Power Microbial Fuel Cells Based on a Carbon-Carbon Composite Air Cathode. Small 2020, 16 (15), 1905240.

  24. Zhang, X.; Sun, P.; Wei, K.; Huang, X.; Zhang, X. Enhanced H2O2 activation and sulfamethoxazole degradation by Fe-impregnated biochar. Chemical Engineering Journal 2020, 385, 123921.

  25. Zhang, X.; Guo, X.; Wang, Q.; Zhang, R.; Xu, T.; Liang, P.; Huang, X. Iron-based clusters embedded in nitrogen doped activated carbon catalysts with superior cathodic activity in microbial fuel cells. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2020, 8 (21), 10772-10778. (Front Cover)

  26. Yu, S.; Gao, Y.; Khan, R.; Liang, P.; Zhang, X.; Huang, X. Electrospun PAN-based graphene/SnO2 carbon nanofibers as anodic electrocatalysis microfiltration membrane for sulfamethoxazole degradation. Journal of Membrane Science 2020, 614, 118368.

  27. Wei, K.; Wang, Z.; Ouyang, C.; Cao, X.; Liang, P.; Huang, X.; Zhang, X. A hybrid fluidized-bed reactor (HFBR) based on arrayed ceramic membranes (ACMs) coupled with powdered activated carbon (PAC) for efficient catalytic ozonation: A comprehensive study on a pilot scale. Water Research 2020, 173, 115536.

  28. Guo, X.; Wang, Q.; Xu, T.; Wei, K.; Yin, M.; Liang, P.; Huang, X.; Zhang, X. One-step ball milling-prepared nano Fe2O3 and nitrogen-doped graphene with high oxygen reduction activity and its application in microbial fuel cells. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2020, 14 (2), 30.

  29. Wei, K.; Cao, X.; Gu, W.; Liang, P.; Huang, X.; Zhang, X. Ni-Induced C-Al2O3-Framework (NiCAF) Supported Core-Multishell Catalysts for Efficient Catalytic Ozonation: A Structure-to-Performance Study. Environmental Science & Technology 2019, 53 (12), 6917-6926. (Front Cover)

  30. Wang, H.; Fu, B.; Xi, J.; Hu, H.; Liang, P.; Huang, X.; Zhang, X. Remediation of simulated malodorous surface water by columnar air cathode microbial fuel cells. Science of the Total Environment 2019, 687, 287-296.

  31. Guo, X.; Jia, J.; Dong, H.; Wang, Q.; Xu, T.; Fu, B.; Ran, R.; Liang, P.; Huang, X.; Zhang, X. Hydrothermal synthesis of Fe-Mn bimetallic nanocatalysts as high-efficiency cathode catalysts for microbial fuel cells. Journal of Power Sources 2019, 414, 444-452.

  32. Fu, B.; Xu, T.; Guo, X.; Liang, P.; Huang, X.; Zhang, X. Optimization and simulation of a carbon-based flow-through composite anode configuration to enhance power generation and improve effluent quality simultaneously for microbial fuel cells. Journal of Cleaner Production 2019, 229, 542-551.

  33. Huang, K.; Zhang, L.; Xu, T.; Wei, H.; Zhang, R.; Zhang, X.; Ge, B.; Lei, M.; Ma, J.; Liu, L.; et al. -60℃ solution synthesis of atomically dispersed cobalt electrocatalyst with superior performance. Nature Communications 2019, 10, 606.