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钱易,江苏无锡人,1936年生,中国工程院院士,成人自拍视频-国产自拍成人 教授、博士生导师。我国著名的环境工程专家和环境教育家。

钱易院士数十年来致力于研究开发适合我国国情的高效、低耗废水处理新技术;对难降解有机物生物降解特性、处理机理及工艺技术进行了卓有成效的研究工作。自“六五”计划以来,主持或参加了多项国家科技攻关项目和自然基金项目,取得了一系列重大研究成果。获国家科技进步二等奖3次、三等奖1次,国家科技发明三等奖1次,国家教委科技进步一等奖2次、二等奖2次,中国科成人自拍视频 自然科学一等奖1次。近年来,她投入大量精力研究可持续发展战略及政策,以促进中国的清洁生产、循环经济、水资源的可持续管理和生态文明建设,在参与立法、提出政策建议和建立示范省市方面做了大量工作。编著书籍《工业性环境污染的防治》(1989)、《现代废水处理新技术》(1993)、《环境工程手册》(水污染防治卷,1996)、《城市可持续发展与水污染防治对策》(1998)、《环境保护与可持续发展》(2000)、《水体颗粒物和难降解有机物的特性及控制技术原理》(2000)、《废水生物处理新技术》(2004)等。



1952年至1956年 同济大学学士

1956年至1959年 清华大学硕士


1959年至今 清华大学 助教/副教授/教授




3. 生态文明十五讲






  1. 全国首批教育世家(2021)

  2. 全国教书育人楷模(2017)

  3. 国家精品视频公开课(2013)

  4. 国家级教学名师(2007)

  5. 中央电视台“最美教师”(2015)

  6. 光华工程科技奖(2000年)

  7. 国家自然科学二等奖(2002)

  8. 国家科技进步二等奖(2003)

  9. 国家科技进步三等奖(1993)

  10. 国家科技发明三等奖(1998)

  11. 全国教育系统“巾帼建功”标兵(1993)

  12. 巾帼之光(1992)

  13. 世界工程组织联合会优秀工程教育奖(2009)

  14. 世界产业生态学会终身成就奖(2019)

  15. 教育部自然科学一等奖(2010)

  16. 国家教委科技进步二等奖(1997)

  17. 国家教委科技进步一等奖(1991)

  18. 清华大学新百年教学成就奖(2017)

  19. 清华大学突出贡献奖(2009)

  20. 清华大学课程思政示范课程(2021)、示范教师(2023)

  21. 清华大学精品课程(2006、2019、2021、2022)

  22. 清华大学优质通识课程建设计划课程(2021)

  23. 清华大学研究生“良师益友”奖(2016年等3次)

  24. 清华大学“清韵烛光”奖(2017)



  1. 排水工程(上册)(与陶葆楷合编),清华大学出版社, 1964

  2. 废水处理与利用 (顾夏声主编),中国建筑工业出版社, 1978

  3. 水污染及其防治 (主编),中国文化书院, 1987

  4. 水污染防治手册 (参与编写),上海科学技术出版社, 1989

  5. 我国几种工业废水治理技术研究(参与编写), 化工出版社, 1988

  6. 工业性环境污染的防治 (主编),中国科学技术出版社 ,1989

  7. 城市污水稳定塘设计手册 (副主编),中国建筑工业出版社, 1990

  8. 现代废水处理新技术 (主编),中国科学技术出版社, 1993

  9. 环境工程手册,水污染防治卷 (副主编),中国高等教育出版社, 1996

  10. 城市可持续发展与水污染防治对策 (主编之一),中国建筑工业出版社, 1998

  11. 环境保护与可持续发展(主编),高等教育出版社,2000

  12. 水体颗粒物和难降解有机物的特性及控制技术原理(主编之一),中国环境科学出版社,2000

  13. 废水生物处理新技术(主编之一), 清华大学出版社, 2004

  14. 环境保护与可持续发展(第三版),高等教育出版社,2024


  1. Libing Chu, Lvjun Chen, Yi Qian, Jianlong Wang. Degradation of sodium dodecyl benzene sulfonate in aqueous solution by electron beam radiation and changes in surfactant micelle property[J]. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 2024,225:112138

  2. Wei Cong, Xiao Li, Yi Qian, Lei Shi. Polycentric approach of wastewater governance in textile industrial parks: Case study of local governance innovation in China[J]. Journal of Environmental Management,2021,280:111730

  3. Xiaoyan Meng, Xianchun Tan, Yi Wang, Zongguo Wen, Yuan Tao, Yi Qian. Investigation on decision-making mechanism of residents’ household solid waste classification and recycling behaviors[J]. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2019, 140:224-234

  4. Xiaoyan Meng, Zongguo Wen, Yi Qian. Multi-agent based simulation for household solid waste recycling behavior[J]. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2018,128:535-545

  5. Juejie Yang, Guanghe Li, Yi Qian, Yunfeng Yang, Fang Zhang. Microbial functional gene patterns related to soil greenhouse gas emissions in oil contaminated areas[J]. Science of The Total Environment, 2018,628-629: 94-102

  6. Lanhua Liu, Xiaohong Zhou, Yun Lu, Didi Shan, Bi Xu, Miao He, Hanchang Shi, Yi Qian. Facile screening of potential xenoestrogens by an estrogen receptor-based reusable optical biosensor[J]. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2017,97:16-20

  7. Lanhua Liu, Xiaohong Zhou, Mifang Lu, Mingkai Zhang, Chao Yang, Ruiman Ma, Abdul Ghaffar Memon, Hanchang Shi, Yi Qian. An array fluorescent biosensor based on planar waveguide for multi-analyte determination in water samples[J]. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2017,240:107-113

  8. Xiaoyan Meng, Zongguo Wen, Yi Qian, Hongbing Yu. Evaluation of cleaner production technology integration for the Chinese herbal medicine industry using carbon flow analysis[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017, 163: 49-57

  9. Xinyang Li, Yue Wu, Wei Zhu, Fangqing Xue, Yi Qian, Chengwen Wang. Enhanced electrochemical oxidation of synthetic dyeing wastewater using SnO2-Sb-doped TiO2-coated granular activated carbon electrodes with high hydroxyl radical yields[J]. Electrochimica Acta,2016,220:276-284

  10. Yi Qian. Sustainable Management of Water Resources[J]. Engineering, 2016,2(1):23-25

  11. Bing Yu, Xiao Li, Lei Shi, Yi Qian. Quantifying CO2 emission reduction from industrial symbiosis in integrated steel mills in China[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production,2015,103: 801-810

  12. Xinyang Li, Wei Zhu, Chengwen Wang, Liwei Zhang, Yi Qian, Fangqin Xue, Yue Wu. The electrochemical oxidation of biologically treated citric acid wastewater in a continuous-flow three-dimensional electrode reactor (CTDER)[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2013, 232: 495-502

  13. Kangning Xu, Chengwen Wang, Xiaoxue Wang, Yi Qian. Laboratory experiments on simultaneous removal of K and P from synthetic and real urine for nutrient recycle by crystallization of magnesium–potassium–phosphate–hexahydrate in a draft tube and baffle reactor[J]. Chemosphere, 2012,88(2):219-223

  14. Kangning Xu, Chengwen Wang, Haiyan Liu, Yi Qian. Simultaneous removal of phosphorus and potassium from synthetic urine through the precipitation of magnesium potassium phosphate hexahydrate[J]. Chemosphere, 2011, 84(2): 207-212

  15. Chen Weiqiang, Shi Lei, Yi Qian. Substance flow analysis of aluminium in mainland China for 2001, 2004 and 2007: Exploring its initial sources, eventual sinks and the pathways linking them[J]. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2010, 54(9): 557-570

  16. XIONG Xiaoping, WEN Xianghua, BAI Yanan, QIAN Yi. Effects of culture conditions on ligninolytic enzymes and protease production by Phanerochaete chrysosporium in air[J]. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2008, 20(1): 94-100

  17. Jian-Wu Sheng, Miao He, Han-Chang Shi, Yi Qian. A comprehensive immunoassay for the detection of microcystins in waters based on polyclonal antibodies[J]. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2006, 572(2): 309-315

  18. Qishi Luo, Xihui Zhang, Hui Wang, Yi Qian Yi Qian. Mobilization of phenol and dichlorophenol in unsaturated soils by non-uniform electrokinetics[J]. Chemosphere, 2005, 59(9): 1289-1298

  19. Qishi Luo, Xihui Zhang, Hui Wang, Yi Qian. The use of non-uniform electrokinetics to enhance in situ bioremediation of phenol-contaminated soil[J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2005, 121(1-3): 187-194

  20. Yaobin Meng, Xia Huang, Qunhao Yang, Yi Qian, Nobuhiko Kubota, Sakae Fukunaga. Treatment of polluted river water with a photocatalytic slurry reactor using low-pressure mercury lamps coupled with a membrane[J]. Desalination, 2005, 181(1-3): 121-133

  21. Qishi Luo, Hui Wang, Xihui Zhang, Yi Qian. Effect of direct electric current on the cell surface properties of phenol-degrading bacteria. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2005, 71(1): 423-427

  22. Guangli Liu, Yangsheng Liu, Hanchang Shi, Yi Qian. Application of inorganic membranes in the alkali recovery process[J]. Desalination, 2004, 169(2): 193-205

  23. Xiangchun Quan, Hanchang Shi, Hong Liu, Pingping Lv, Yi Qian. Enhancement of 2,4-dichlorophenol degradation in conventional activated sludge systems bioaugmented with mixed special culture[J]. Water Research, 2004, 38(1): 245-253

  24. Guangli Liu, Yangsheng Liu, Jinren Ni, Hanchang Shi, Yi Qian. Treatability of kraft spent liquor by microfiltration and andultrafiltration[J]. Desalination, 2004, 160(2): 131-141

  25. Wang Rongchang, Wen Xianghua, Qian Yi. Succession of aquatic microbial communities as a result of the water quality variations in continuous water. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2004. 16(5):772-778.

  26. Xiangchun Quan, Hanchang Shi, Jianlong Wang, Yi Qian. Biodegradation of 2,4-dichlorophenol in sequencing batch reactors augmented with immobilized mixed culture[J]. Chemosphere, 2003, 50(8): 1069-1074

  27. Ping Gui, Xia Huang, Ying Chen, Yi Qian, Yi Qian. Effect of operational parameters on sludge accumulation on membrane surfaces in a submerged membrane bioreactor[J]. Desalination, 2003, 151(2): 185-194

  28. Yaobin Meng, Xia Huang, Yingxi Wu, Xiaomao Wang, Yi Qian.Kinetic study and modeling on photocatalytic degradation of para-chlorobenzoate at different light intensities[J]. Environmental Pollution, 2002, 117(2): 307-313

  29. Wang Jianlong, Quan Xiangchun, Han Liping, Qian Yi, Werner Hegemann. Microbial degradation of quinoline by immobilized cells of Burkholderia pickettii[J]. Water Research, 2002, 36(9): 2288-2296

  30. Wenhua Tian, Xianghua Wen, Yi Qian.Features of a double-chamber bed and case study[J]. Desalination, 2002, 150(3): 269-275

  31. Z.Yongming, H.Liping, W. Jianlong, Y. Juntang, Yi Qian, An internal airlift loop bioreactor with Burkholderia Picttiii immobilized onto ceramic honeycomb support for degradation of quinoline. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2002,11(2-3):149-158

  32. Wang Jianlong, Han Liping, Shi Hanchang, Qian Yi.Biodegradation of quinoline by gel immobilized Burkholderia sp.[J]. Chemosphere, 2001, 44(5): 1041-1046

  33. Xiaodi Hao, Mark C.M.Van Loosdrecht, S.C.F Meijer, Yi Qian. Model-based evaluation of two BNR processes—UCT and A2N[J]. Water Research, 2001, 35(12): 2851-2860

  34. C.-H. Xing, X-H Wen, Y. Qian, E.Tardieu Microfiltration-membrane-coupled bioreactor for urban wastewater reclamation, Desalination 141(2001):63-73

  35. Wang Jianlong, Chen Lujun, Shi Hanchang, Qian Yi. Microbial degradation of phthalic acid esters under anaerobic digestion of sludge[J]. Chemosphere, 2000, 41(8): 1245-1248

  36. Wang Jianlong, Qian Yi. Microbial degradation of 4-chlorophenol by microorganisms entrapped in carrageenan-chitosan gels[J]. Chemosphere, 1999, 38(13): 3109-3117

  37. Wang Jianlong, Liu Ping, Shi Hanchang, Qian Yi. Kinetics of biodegradation of Di-n-butyl phthalate in continuous culture system[J]. Chemosphere, 1998, 37(2): 257-264

  38. Min Zhang, Joo Hwa Tay, Yi Qian, Xia Sheng Gu. Coke plant wastewater treatment by fixed biofilm system for COD and NH3-N removal[J]. Water Research, 1998, 32(2): 519-527

  39. Wang Jianlong, Liu Ping, Qian Yi. Biodegradation of phthalic acid esters by immobilized microbial cells[J]. Environment International, 1997, 23(6): 775-782

  40. Wang Jianlong, Liu Ping, Shi Hanchang, Qian Yi. Biodegradation of phthalic acid ester in soil by indigenous and introduced microorganisms[J]. Chemosphere, 1997, 35(8): 1747-1754

  41. Jianlong Wang, Ping Liu, Hanchang Shi and Yi Qian, Kinetics of phthalic-acid ester degradation by acclimated activated-sludge,Process Biochemistry,1997, 32(7):567-571

  42. Harlemun Donald,R.F.,Harremoes Poul and Yi Qian,Hong Kong Harbor Cleanup, Water Environment and Technology,1997(3):47

  43. Jianlong Wang,Ping Liu,Hanchang Shi and Yi Qian,Immobilization of microorganisms using carrageenan coated with chitosan and app- lication to biodegradation of 4-chlorophenol,Journal of Environmental Sciences,1997,9(3):283

  44. Zhou Lu, Qian Yi, Evaluation on the performance of triple oxidation ditch system treating municipal wastewater, Journal of Environmental Science, 1997,9(3):257-264

  45. M-Zhang,JH-Tay,Yi Qian,and Xiasheng Gu, Comparison between anaerobic-anoxic-oxic and anoxic-oxic systems for coke plant wastewater treatment,Journal of Environmental Engineering-asce,1997,123, Iss 9: 876-883

  46. Jianlong Wang,Ping Liu and Yi Qian, Biodegradation of phthalic-acid Esters by immobilized microbial cells,Environment International 1997,23(6):775Wang Jianlong, Liu Ping, Qian Yi. Biodegradation of phthalic acid esters by acclimated activated sludge[J]. Environment International, 1996, 22(6): 737-741

  47. Huren An,Yi Qian,Xiasheng Gu,WZ Tang,Biological treatment of dye wastewater using an Anaerobic-Oxic System,Chemosphere,1996, 33(12):2533-2542

  48. Xiao-Jun Fan, Vincent Urbain, Yi Qian, Jacques Manem. Nitrification and mass balance with a membrane bioreactor for municipal wastewater treatment[J]. Water Science and Technology, 1996, 34(1-2): 129-136

  49. Jianlong Wang,Ping Liu and Yi Qian,Microbial degradation of di-n-butyl phthalate[J],Chemosphere,1995,31(9):4051-4056

  50. Jianlong Wang,Ping Liu and Yi Qian,Kinetics of biodegradation of di-n-butyl phthalate in continuous culture system,Water Treatment,1995,(10):331

  51. Jianlong Wang,Wenhua Hou, Yi Qian,Immobilization of microbial cells using polyvinyl alcohol(PVA)-polyacrylamide gels,Biotechnology Techniques,1995,9(3):203

  52. Wen Xian-Hua, Qian Yi, Gu Xia-Sheng. Graphical presentation of the transformation of some nutrients in a wastewater stabilization pond system[J]. Water Research, 1994, 28(7): 1659-1665

  53. Yi Qian,Yibo Wen,Huiming Zhang,Efficiency of pretreatment methods in the activated sludge removal of refractory compounds in coke-plant wastewater, Water Research,1994,28(3):701

  54. Yongming Liang,Yi Qian,Jicui Hu, Research on the characteristics of start up and operation of treating brewery wastewater with an AFB reactor at ambient temperatures, Water Science and Technology, 1993,28(7):187

  55. Xianghua Wen,Yi Qian,Xiasheng Gu, An ecological model of biological stabilization pone,Water Treatment,1993,(8)

  56. Yibo Wen,Min Zhang,Yi Qian,Biological treatment of coke-plant wastewater for COD and NH3-N removal,Water Science and Technology,1991,28(7):187

  57. Zhongxiang Zhang,Yi Qian,Water saving and wastewater reuse and recycle in China,Water Science and Technology,1991,23(10-12):2135


  1. 罗启仕, 王慧, 张锡辉, 钱易. 土壤中硝酸盐在非均匀电动力学作用下的迁移与转化. 环境科学, 2004, 25(2): 107-113

  2. 梁鹏, 黄霞, 钱易等. 利用红斑顠体虫减少污泥产量的研究. 中国给水排水. 2004, (1): 13-17.

  3. 梁鹏, 黄霞, 钱易等. 食物污泥对红斑顠体虫生长的影响. 中国环境科学. 2004, (2): 159-162.

  4. 梁鹏, 黄霞, 钱易等. 环境因子对红斑顠体虫生长的影响. 中国环境科学. 2004, (5)

  5. 罗启仕, 张锡辉, 王慧, 钱易. 土壤中酚类污染物在电动力学作用下的迁移及其机理. 中国环境科学, 2004, 24(2): 134-138

  6. 罗启仕, 王慧, 张锡辉, 钱易. 利用GFP标记基因检测环境微生物. 中国给水排水, 2004, 20(6): 32-34

  7. 罗启仕, 张锡辉, 王慧, 钱易. 土壤中基因工程菌在非均匀电场作用下的迁移及其机理. 中国环境科学, 2004, 24(3): 284-289

  8. 罗启仕, 张锡辉, 王慧, 钱易. 非均匀电动力学修复技术对土壤性质的影响. 环境污染治理技术与设备, 2004, 5(4): 40-45

  9. 罗启仕, 王慧, 张锡辉, 钱易. 电动力学技术强化原位生物修复研究进展. 环境污染与防治, 2004, 26(4): 268-271

  10. 罗启仕, 张锡辉, 王慧, 钱易. 生物修复中有机污染物的生物可利用性. 生态环境, 2004, 13(1): 85-87

  11. 王荣昌,文湘华,钱易. 悬浮载体生物膜反应器修复受污染河水试验研究. 环境科学,2004,25 (12):68-70.

  12. 王荣昌,文湘华,钱易. 悬浮载体生物膜反应器中好氧颗粒污泥形成机理的研究. 中国给水排水,2004,20(3): 5-8

  13. 钱易, 循环经济与可持续发展,宏观经济观察,2003,2-3: 8-10.

  14. 席劲瑛,胡洪营,钱易. Biolog方法在环境微生物群落结构与代谢功能研究中的应用,微生物学报,2003年2月,43(1):138-141

  15. 王荣昌,文湘华,钱易. 激光共聚焦扫描显微镜(CLSM)在生物膜研究中的应用现状. 中国给水排水,2003,19(12): 23-25.

  16. 王荣昌,文湘华,李翠珍,钱易. 水体微型生物群落参数与水质指标相关性的研究. 环境科学研究,2002, 15(4): 43-45.

  17. 钱易,水资源管理需要新思路新策略,中国水利, 2002,10:17-20

  18. 钱易,对北京水资源保护战略的思考,北京水利, 2001, 6:1-3

  19. 清洁生产创造生态效率,中国经济导报,社会周刊, 2001,6(2)

  20. 钱易,对我国水污染防治战略的思考和建议,2001年3月3日,中国环境报, 第三版

  21. 王建龙,施汉昌,钱易, 固定化微生物技术在难降解有机污染物治理中的研究进展,环境科学研究,1999,12(1):60

  22. 郑礼胜,施汉昌,钱易,内循环三相生物流化床处理生活污水,中国环境科学,1999, 19(1):51-56

  23. 杨琦,刘广立,钱易,污泥处理和处置技术新进展,上海环境科学,1999,18(3):133-135

  24. 黄霞,桂萍,范晓军,汪诚文,钱易, 膜生物反应器废水处理工艺的研究 进展,环境科学研究,1998,11(1):40-44

  25. 杨琦,单立志,钱易, 国外对污水湿式催化氧化处理的研究进展,环境科学研究,1998,1(4):62-64

  26. 周律,钱易,影响三沟式氧化沟脱氮效果的2个重要参数,环境科学,1998, 19(2):27-30

  27. 桂萍,黄霞,汪诚文,钱易,膜-复合式生物反应器组合系统操作条件及稳定运行特性,环境科学,1998,19(2):35-38

  28. 刘锐,汪诚文,钱易, 影响一体式好氧微生物反应器膜清洗周期的几个因素,环境科学,1998,19(4):26-28

  29. 王建龙,吴立波,施汉昌,钱易, 驯化活性污泥降解邻苯二甲酸酯类化合物的研究,环境科学,1998,19(1):18-20

  30. 周平,何嘉汉,钱易, 内循环生物流化床反应器载体挂膜特性的研究,环境科学学报,1998,18(1):68-72

  31. 占新民,王建龙,孙惠,钱易, 对氨基偶氮苯盐酸盐溶液色度与吸收光谱的关系,环境化学,1998,17(6):595-599

  32. 占新民,王建龙,吴立波,许兴,全哲学,钱易,吴文风,朱毅,沉淀-树脂吸附法处理对氨基偶氮苯盐酸盐生产废水的研究,环境工程,1998,16 (3):7-10

  33. 周律,钱易,三沟式氧化沟污水处理工艺的性能分析,中国环境科学,1998,18(3):210-212

  34. 周律,钱易,浅议三沟式氧化沟的设计,给水排水,1998,24(1):6-9

  35. 黄霞,汪诚文,钱易,膜-活性污泥法组合污水处理工艺的试验研究,给水排水,1998,24(7):23-27

  36. 周平,钱易,内循环生物流化床处理生活污水的试验研究,给水排水,1998,24(10):28-31

  37. 杨琦,钱易,陆雍森,赵遵夫,湿式氧化处理香料废水,给水排水,1998,24(11):35-37

  38. 王建龙,吴立波,钱易, 复合生物反应器处理废水特性的研究,中国给水排水,1998,14(2):29-32

  39. 周平,汪诚文, 吴晓磊, 钱易, 内循环生物流化床处理石化废水的中试研究, 环境科学,1997,18(1)

  40. 邢传宏,Tardieu Eric,钱易,无机膜-生物反应器处理生活污水实验研究,环 境科学,1997,18(3)

  41. 邢传宏,钱易,孟耀斌,错流式膜-生物反应器处理生活污水及其生物学研究, 环境科学,1997,18(6)

  42. 邢传宏,钱易,超滤膜-生物反应器处理生活污水及其水力学研究,环境科学, 1997,18(5)

  43. 周平,钱易, 三沟式氧化沟处理城市污水的效应,中国给水排水,1997,13(5)

  44. 王建龙,柳萍,施汉昌,钱易,声化学在水污染控制中的应用研究现状,化学通报,1997,(7)

  45. 杜鹏飞,钱易,杜文涛,面向可持续发展的城市水环境基础设施建设,城市环境与城市生态,1997,(3)

  46. 周律,钱易,厌氧生物反应器的设计、启动和运行控制方法,污染防治技术,1997,10(1)

  47. 钱易,黄霞,中国にゎけゐ水质污浊防止对策,水环境学会志,1996,19 (1)

  48. 汪诚文,钱易,刘锐,膜-好氧生物反应器处理生活污水的试验研究,给水排水,1996,22(12)

  49. 周律,钱易,氧化沟工艺应用评析,给水排水,1996,22(9)

  50. 周平,钱易, 空气提升内循环生物流化床反应器动力学研究,环境科学,1996,17(6)

  51. 周平,钱易,厌氧-好氧混凝工艺处理抗生素废水,中国给水排水,1996, 12(2)

  52. 周平,何嘉汉,钱易, 内循环三相生物流化床反应器的相合率及机理,环境科学学报,1996,16(2)

  53. 钱易,环境保护与持续发展,科学中国人,1995,(6)

  54. 钱易,环境保护与可持续发展,中国科技论坛,1996,(1)

  55. 钱易,持续发展是唯一出路,现代化工,1996,(16)

  56. 钱易,污水资源化是解决水危机的有效途径,北京规划建设,1996,(4)

  57. 何大江,陈吕军,钱易, 生物膜氧化沟污水处理性能的研究,环境污染与防治,1996,18(2)

  58. 周平,钱易,内循环生物流化床反应器的理论分析,环境科学,1995, 16(2)

  59. 周平,钱易,内循环生物流化床处理丙烯酸废水的实验,环境科学,1995, 16(1)

  60. 王建龙,钱易,邻苯二甲酸酯的生物降解研究,环境科学,1995,16(6)

  61. 林广,陈斌,黄霞,钱易, A1-A2/ O 与A2 / O系统处理焦化废水的比较研究,给水排水,1995,21(8)

  62. 周平,钱易,好氧颗粒污泥的形成和技术条件, 给水排水,1995,21(4)

  63. 黄霞,陈戈, 邵林广,钱易,固定化优势菌种处理焦化废水中几种难降解有机物的试验研究,中国环境科学,1995,15(2)

  64. 邵林广,陈斌,黄霞,钱易,缺氧-好氧固定膜系统处理焦化废水的实验研究,城市环境与城市生态,1995,8(1)

  65. 陈吕军,钱易,一体式氧化沟污水处理技术,石油化工环境保护,1994,(1)

  66. 汪诚文, 陈吕军,钱易, 一体式氧化沟处理污水的试验研究,环境污染与防治, 1994,(2)

  67. 吴晓磊, 俞毓馨, 钱易, 固定化的好氧及厌氧污泥处理性能比较研究, 环境科学, 1994, ( 1 )

  68. 安虎仁, 钱易, 顾夏声, 厌氧过程在厌氧-好氧工艺处理染料工业废水中的应用, 环境科学研究, 1994, 7(3)

  69. 安虎仁, 钱易, 顾夏声, 杨艳茹, 厌氧条件下染料的生物降解性能与染料废水处理的研究, 化工环保, 1994, 14(4)

  70. 竺建荣, 杨艳茹, 安虎仁, 钱易, 厌氧UASB-好氧工艺处理染料废水的研究,环境科学, 1994, 15(4)

  71. 钱易,城市废水厌氧生物处理的研究与实践,中国给水排水,1993,(1)

  72. 钱易,高浓度有机废水厌氧生物处理技术成果的推广应用,环境科学,1993,14(增刊)

  73. 陈吕军,钱易,氧化沟的曝气设备,给水排水,1993,19(5)

  74. 陈吕军,钱易,氧化沟水平轴曝气机性能指标研究,中国给水排水,1993,15(5)

  75. 陈吕军,钱易, 盐浓度对清水充氧试验中氧转移系数的影响研究,环境污染与防治, 1993,15(6)

  76. 陈吕军,钱易, 氧化沟技术在处理石化废水中的应用,石油化工环境保护,1993,(4)

  77. 汪诚文,陈吕军,钱易,一体化氧化沟试验研究,环境科技,1993,(6)

  78. 周岳溪,钱易,顾夏声,废水生物除磷机理研究,环境科学学报,1993,13(2)

  79. 周岳溪,钱易,顾夏声,废水生物除磷机理研究(Ⅱ),中国环境科学,1993,13(3)

  80. 耿艳楼,钱易,顾夏声, 简捷硝化-反硝化过程处理焦化废水的研究,环境科学,1993,14(3)

  81. 周岳溪,钱易,废水生物除磷微生物学的研究进展,微生物学通报,1992, 19(4)

  82. 周岳溪,钱易,假单胞菌磷化代谢特性的研究,环境科学,1992,13(5)

  83. 周岳溪,钱易,循环间歇式废水生物除磷处理工艺微生物学特性研究,环境科学,1992,5(6)

  84. 周岳溪,钱易,生物除磷过程中乙酸盐厌氧代谢机理的研究,环境科学研究,1992,5(3)

  85. 文湘华,钱易,生物稳定塘碳、氮、磷物质转移转化模型的研究,生态学报,1992, 12(3)

  86. 文湘华,钱易,生物稳定塘常规运行状态模拟与分析,环境科学,1992,13(3)

  87. 钱易,焦化废水中难降解有机物去除的研究,环境科学研究,1992,5(5)

  88. 周岳溪,钱易, 废水生物除磷机理的研究-循环间歇式生物脱氮除磷处理系统中微生物的组成,环境科学,1992,13(4)

  89. 文一波,钱易,A-A/O法处理焦化废水中试研究,中国给水排水,1992,(3)


  1. Qian Yi, Cleaner Production, Circular Economy and Sustainable Development, The World Engineers’ Convention, 2004,11

  2. 余杨, 施汉昌, 何苗, 郭洁菡, 王娜, 刘举, 钱易. Development of Antiserum to the Herbicide: 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid. Proceedings International Symposium on Biotechnology for Environmental Pollution Control. Beijing, China, 2004.8

  3. Qian, Yi, Cleaner Production and Circular Economy----New Strategy for Environment and Development, International Conference on Pollution in the Metropolitan and Urban Environment(POLMET) 2003.Nov.3-5, Hong Kong

  4. Xi Jin-Ying, Hu Hong-Ying,Qian Yi. Biological removal of gaseous toluene by a biofilter packed with buckwheat hull. In Proceedings of 2nd IWA conference on odor and VOCs, Singapore, 2003 (Oral presentation)

  5. Hao X, Heijnen JJ, Qian Y, et al. Contribution of P-bacteria in biological nutrient removal processes to overall effects on the environment,International Conference on Wastewater and EU Nutrient Guidelines, SEP 27-29, 2000 , WATER. SCI. TECHNOL. 44 (1): 67-76, 2001.

  6. Peng Liang, Xia Huang and Yi Qian. Excess sludge reduction in activated sludge process through predation of micro-fauna. IWA-Asia Pacific Regional Conference 2003. (Oral presentation)

  7. 梁鹏, 黄霞, 钱易等. 四种微型动物对污泥减量的比较. 第三届环境模拟与污染控制学术研讨会. 2003.

  8. Qian Y. Appropriate process and technology for wastewater treatment and reclamation in China International Symposium on Development of Innovative Water and Wastewater Treatment Technologies for the 21st Century, OCT 08-10, 1999 ,WATER SCI TECHNOL 42 (12): 107-114 ,2000.

  9. Qian Y The appropriate technologies for municipal wastewater treatment in China ,1st Conference on Environmental Simulation and Pollution Control, NOV 04-05, 1999 J ENVIRON SCI HEAL A 35 (10): 1749-1760, 2000.

  10. Dai YZ, Shi HC, Qian Y An anaerobic baffled reactor for pentachlorophenol degradation 1st Conference on Environmental Simulation and Pollution Control, NOV 04-05, 1999 J ENVIRON SCI HEAL A 35 (10): 1803-1810, 2000.

  11. Fan XJ, Urbain V, Qian Y, et al. Nitrification in a membrane bioreactor (MBR) for wastewater treatment 7th Asia-Pacific Regional Conference (Asian Waterqual 99), OCT 18-20, 1999 ,WATER SCI TECHNOL 42 (3-4): 289-294, 2000.

  12. Fan XJ, Urbain V, Qian Y, et al. Ultrafiltration of activated sludge with ceramic membranes in a cross-flow membrane bioreactor process 2nd International Conference on Membrane tecchnology in Environmental Management, NOV 01-04, 1999 WATER SCI TECHNOL 41 (10-11): 243-250, 2000.

  13. Huang X, Gui P, Qian Y. Domestic wastewater treatment using a submerged membrane bioreactor International Conference on Bioseparation Engineering: Recovery and Recycle of Resources to Protect the Global Environment, JUL 04-07, 1999 BIOSEPARATION ENGINEERING, 163-168, 2000.

  14. Yi Qian,Study on the treatment technology of poorly biodegradable organic pollutants,香港地区性学术研讨会,1997

  15. Xiaolei Wu,Xia Huang,Yi Qian,Phosphorus removal and Simultaneously upgrading the treating capability of activated sludge,IAWQ-NVA Advanced Wastewater Treatment,1997

  16. Xiaolei Wu,Yuntao Guan,Xia Huang,Yi Qian,Influence of flow boundary layer on initial microbial attachment to carrier surface and initial biofilm build-up,Adsorption in Water Environment and Treatment Processes,1997

  17. Yi Qian,Current status of anaerobic digestion in China,8th International Conference on Anaerobic Digestion, Sendai, Japan, 1998

  18. 钱易, 废水生物处理的发展和前景,中国化学会第三届水处理化学学术讨论会,1997

  19. Xia Huang,Ping Gui,Chengwen Wang,Yi Qian,Wastewater treatment characteristics of membrane processes combined with various bioreactors,6th IAWQ Asia-Pacific Regional Conference,1996

  20. Jian E Zuo,Yi Qian,HU,JiChui,Research and application on anae -robic Technology for treating industrial wastewater in China,东南地区厌氧技术研讨会,1996

  21. Yi Qian,Gang Yu,The strategy for water pollution control in China,Sino-Finnish Seminar on Non-waste Technologies for Water and Air Pollution,1996

  22. 钱易,王建龙, 邻苯二甲酸酯生物降解动力学研究,第三届海峡两岸环境保护研讨会,1995

  23. 黄霞,钱易,膜-活性污泥法组合工艺的污水处理特性研究,第三届海峡两岸环境保护研讨会,1995 77. 周平,钱易,缺氧-好氧处理抗生素废水的中试研究,第三届海峡两岸环境 保护研讨会,1995

  24. 吴晓磊, 管运涛, 黄霞, 钱易, 生物钙处理生活污水研究, 第四届全国环境微生物污染防治与资源化研讨会, 1994,88.

  25. 吴晓磊, 李铁, 黄霞, 钱易, Fe离子对活性污泥性能影响研究, 第四届全国环境微生物污染防治与资源化研讨会, 1994

  26. 竺建荣, 杨艳茹, 安虎仁, 钱易, A study of dye waste treatment using anaerobic-aerobic process, Proc.7th.Symposium on Anaerobic Digestion, Cape Town, 1996

  27. 陈吕军,钱易,水平轴剪切式曝气机的开发研究,第二届环境保护技术及装备学术年会论文集

  28. Yi Qian,Strategy of water resource conservation for sustainable development in China,Proceedings of World Congress Ⅲ on Engineering and Environment,1993,10

  29. Huren An,Yi Qian,A way for water pollution control in dye manufacturing industry,Proceedings of World Congress Ⅲ on Engineering and Environment,1993,10

  30. Yanlou Geng,Yi Qian,Xiasheng Gu,A study on the shortened nitrification-denitrification system used for the treatment of coke-plant waste,Proceedings of World Congress Ⅲ on Engineering and Environment,1993,10

  31. 安虎仁,钱易,厌氧条件下染料与染料废水生物降解性能的研究,工业与环境工程国际会议集,1992

  32. 钱易,中国水环境有机污染的防治策略,海峡两岸技术研讨会,1992,10

  33. 钱易,严月根,中国食品工业废水处理及生物能的发展,亚太地区清洁能源与环境研讨会,1992

  34. 钱易,中国水污染防治的经验及教训,环保技术国际研讨会,1992, 6