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4. Jones, R. R.*, Hoek, G., Fisher, J. A., Hasheminassab, S.,Wang, D., Ward, M. H., Sioutas, C., Vermeulen, R. & Silverman, D. T. (2020). Land use regression models for ultrafine particles, fine particles, and black carbon in Southern California.Science of The Total Environment, 699,134234
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6. Wang, Y., Li, Z., Tang, C.,Ren, H., Zhang, Q., Xue, M., Xiong, J.,Wang, D., Yu, Q., He, Z., Wei, F. & Jiang, J.* (2019). Few-layered mesoporous graphene for high-performance toluene adsorption and regeneration.Environmental Science: Nano, 6, 3113-3122
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10. Li, Z., Jiang, Y., Liu, C., Wang, Z., Cao, Z., Yuan, Y., Li, M., Wang, Y., Fang, D., Guo, Z.,Wang, D., Zhang, G. & Jiang, J.* (2018). Emerging investigator series: dispersed transition metals on a nitrogen-doped carbon nanoframework for environmental hydrogen peroxide detection.Environmental Science: Nano,10, 1834-1843.
11. Li, Z., Wang, W., Cao, H., Zhang, Q., Zhou, X.,Wang, D., Wang, Y., Zhang, S., Zhang, G.*, Liu, C.*, Zhang, Y., Liu, R.* & Jiang, J.* (2017). Boron doped zif-67@graphene derived carbon electrocatalyst for highly efficient enzyme-free hydrogen peroxide biosensor.Advanced Materials Technologies, 1700224.
12. Shirmohammadi, F.,Wang, D., Hasheminassab, S., Verma, V., Schauer, J. J., Shafer, M. M. & Sioutas, C.* (2017). Oxidative potential of on-road fine particulate matter (PM2.5) measured on major freeways of Los Angeles, CA, and a 10-year comparison with earlier roadside studies.Atmospheric Environment, 148, 102-114.
13. Sowlat, M. H.,Wang, D., Simonetti, G., Shafer, M. M., Schauer, J. J. & Sioutas, C.* (2016). Development and field evaluation of an online monitor for near-continuous measurement of iron, manganese, and chromium in coarse airborne particulate matter (PM).Aerosol Science and Technology, 50, 1309-1319.
14. Wang, D., Sowlat, M. H., Shafer, M. M., Schauer, J. J. & Sioutas, C*. (2016). Development and evaluation of a novel monitor for online measurement of iron, manganese, and chromium in ambient particulate matter (PM).Science of The Total Environment, 565:123-131
15. Krasowsky, T., McMeeking, G. R.,Wang, D., Sioutas, C. & Ban-Weiss, G. A.* (2016).Measurements of the impact of atmospheric aging on physical and optical properties of ambient black carbon particles in Los Angeles.Atmospheric Environment, 142, 496-504.
16. Shirmohammadi, F., Hasheminassab, S.,Wang, D., Schauer, J. J., Shafer, M. M., Delfino, R. J. & Sioutas, C.* (2016) The relative importance of tailpipe and non-tailpipe emissions on the oxidative potential of ambient particles in Los Angeles, CA.Faraday Discussions, 189, 361-380
17. Shirmohammadi, F., Hasheminassab, S.,Wang, D., Saffari, A., Schauer, J. J., Shafer, M. M., Delfino, R. J. & Sioutas, C.* (2015) Oxidative potential of coarse particulate matter (PM10-2.5) and its relation to water solubility and sources of trace elements and metals in the Los Angeles Basin.Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts,17, 2110-2121.
18. Saffari, A., Hasheminassab, S.,Wang, D., Shafer, M. M., Schauer, J. J. & Sioutas, C.* (2015) Impact of primary and secondary organic sources on the oxidative potential of ultrafine particles at three contrasting locations in Los Angeles.Atmospheric Environment, 120, 286-296.
19. Wang, D., Shafer, M. M., Schauer, J. J. & Sioutas, C*. (2015). A new technique for online measurement of total and water-soluble copper (Cu) in coarse particulate matter (PM).Environmental Pollution, 199, 227-234.
20. Wang, D., Shafer, M. M., Schauer, J. J. & Sioutas, C.* (2014). Development of a technology for online measurement of total and water-soluble copper (Cu) in PM2.5.Aerosol Science and Technology, 48(8), 864-874.
21. Hasheminassab, S., Daher, N., Saffari, A.,Wang, D., Ostro, B. D. & Sioutas, C.* (2014). Spatial and temporal variability of sources of ambient fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in California.Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 14(22), 12085-12097.
22. Wang, D., Pakbin, P., Saffari, A., Shafer, M. M., Schauer, J. J. & Sioutas, C.* (2013). Development and Evaluation of a High-Volume Aerosol-into-Liquid Collector for Fine and Ultrafine Particulate Matter.Aerosol Science and Technology, 47, 1226-1238.
23. Wang, D., Pakbin, P., Shafer, M. M., Antkiewicz, D., Schauer, J. J. & Sioutas, C.* (2013). Macrophage reactive oxygen species activity of water-soluble and water-insoluble fractions of ambient coarse, PM2.5and ultrafine particulate matter (PM) in Los Angeles. Atmospheric Environment, 77, 301-310.
24. Wang, D., Kam, W., Cheung, K., Pakbin, P. & Sioutas, C.* (2013). Development of a Two-Stage Virtual Impactor System for High Concentration Enrichment of Ultrafine, PM2.5, and Coarse Particulate Matter. Aerosol Science and Technology, 47, 231-238.
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